Prism Wealth Planning


At Prism Wealth Planning LTD., we assist our members in obtaining tangible successful outcomes. Our mission is to educate, and collaboratively guide our members by facilitating a higher degree of financial literacy. Empowering every client in making a more informed financial decision.

Applying a holistic approach to our clients financial well-being across every spectrum of life, regardless of socio-economic status. Thus establishing a foundation based on a fiduciary standard, serving our members goals as our first and foremost priority.

Making The Complicated Simple...

Our cost is transparent and upfront, based simply on a percentage of the assets under management. We are proud to have NO commissions, or hidden fees.

Our advice and recommendations will prioritize clients needs and goals. Maintaining a high level of competence and prudence.
Prism Wealth Planning does not accept referral fees nor do we participate in commission-based referrals. There are no paid agreements to a broker-dealer. Our recommendations are centered solely around our clients.

Achieving your goals successfully requires objectivity as a key factor. We take a big picture approach, meticulously evaluating every angle before delivering our recommendation.

We not only offer virtual meetings but also provide services as per your requirement, be it on an as-needed or ongoing basis. This ensures the flexibility and convenience you require to efficiently manage your finances.

Being your committed partner, we highly appreciate your input and queries as we believe in working together to establish a customized roadmap for your future that aligns with your vision.

Who We Work With

Young Professionals Under 30

If you’re managing student loan debt, starting a family or considering buying a house, our financial planning is tailored to your unique goals as a young professional.

This process focuses on the short and intermediate-term goals of people  growing and evolving their personal and professional life in their late 20’s or 30’s. This is a comprehensive process. We typically devote a minimum of 25 hours to this service in year one of our relationship.

Established Professionals

Do you know how much you need to retire? Since many established professionals are approaching retirement age, we wanted to create a more customized way of tending to your financial needs and goals. With this process, we’re able to uncover untapped opportunities, as well as discover gaps in your current strategy that could be preventing you from enjoying a long and fulfilling retirement. This process is appropriate for those who are 20 years or less away from retirement.

Families & Minorities

As a minority-led organization, we are acutely aware of the unfair biases in the financial services industry. We understand the anxiety and burden of pursuing financial security, particularly for those from underrepresented communities.

African-American CFP professionals make up only 1.5% of CFP professionals as a whole. To change this disparity, we are committed to challenging stereotypes and fostering environments where everyone enjoys equal attention and respect. Our goal is to create an inclusive space that welcomes individuals of all backgrounds.

First Responders

With 15+ years as a first responder, we understand the unique challenges associated with a demanding profession. We will develop strategies to complement your pension benefits, empowering members to maximize opportunities, addressing factors of college tuition, residency, lifestyle, retirement, and estate planning for first responders.

Comprehensive Financial Planning

Initial Contract Fee: $250 - $500

Ongoing Financial Planning Service: $125 - $300

Investment Management Fee Schedule

The fee is based on a percentage of assets under management and is negotiable. The annualized fees for investment management services are based on the following fee schedule:

$0 - $250,000

% 1.25

$250,001 - $500,000

% 1.00

$500,001 - $750,000

% 0.90

$750,001 - $1,000,000

% 0.80

$1,000,001 +

% 0.70

Spectrum of Services

How We Can Help You Reach Your Goals

A documented detailed financial plan to achieve your financial goals and objectives.
Review and analyze your employee benefits ensuring optimal strategies are explored and implemented. If you are a business owner, we will consider and/or recommend the various benefit programs that can be structured to meet both business and personal retirement goals.
Our retirement planning services include projections of your likelihood of achieving your financial goals, focusing on financial freedom as the primary objective. Addressing factors associated with delaying retirement, increasing savings, managing spending habits, and possibly increasing risk with investments. Clients near retirement or retired will be advised on appropriate distribution strategies to maximize retirement savings.
Review of existing policies to ensure proper coverage for life, health, disability, long-term care, liability, home, and automobile.
Are you living beyond you means? A review of your income and expenses to determine your current surplus or deficit along with advice on prioritizing how any surplus should be used or how to reduce expenses if they exceed your income.
An analysis may involve developing an asset allocation strategy to meet clients’ financial goals and risk tolerance, providing information on investment vehicles and strategies, reviewing employee stock options, assisting you in establishing your own investment account at a selected broker/dealer or custodian. Management Service includes personal account supervision which are guided by your stated objectives, and providing continuous investment advice.
An analysis of your exposure to estate taxes and your current estate plan, which may include whether you have a will, powers of attorney, trusts, and other related documents. We will connect you with attorneys who specialize in estate planning when such services are needed, and we can participate in meetings between you and your attorney upon your approval or request.

Hello! I’m Joaquin Rodgers

Founder & Financial Advisor

As a 15 year veteran of the Chicago Police Department, Joaquin’s desire to have a more positive impact on the lives of individual’s, blue-collar first responders and professionals has led him to follow his passion of service within the financial sector. Joaquin’s unquestioned service to others is now applied to servicing, educating individuals, families, and small business owners with competent and uncompromising financial planning advice that only a certified financial planner can offer.

Upon passing the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ (CFP®) board exam, through perseverance and dedication he co-founded Prism Wealth Planning Ltd., with Damon Stewart Esq. Establishing a firm to fulfill the needs of those usually underrepresented within the urban community.  Objectively providing a  fiduciary standard of services for each and every client.

Mr. Rodgers goal is to assist people in overcoming the fears and stigma of discussing one’s financial well-being. As a father of two from Chicago he realizes the need for honest, unbiased and sound financial advice, in helping you build your legacy for generations to follow.

Frequently Asked Questions

We do not have a minimum asset level to be a client. While we encourage everyone to save and invest early and often, we enjoy working with clients that don’t have money to invest. This firm was founded to make Fee Only, Independent, and Fiduciary advice accessible to everyone, regardless of income or investable assets. Our goal is to establish life-long relationships with our clients so we can help you achieve financial security.

You can schedule a free consultation by filling out our contact form at the bottom of this page.
A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional is an individual that is authorized to use the CFP® certification marks by the CFP Board. CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals (CFP® professionals) must first acquire the knowledge required to deliver professional, competent, and ethical financial planning services to clients. Additionally, they must pass a comprehensive certification examination, complete three years of professional financial planning experience, and adhere to the high standards of ethics and practice outlined in the CFP Board’s Standards of Professional Conduct. CFP® professionals are also required to complete 30 hours of continuing education every two years, including two hours of ethics education. CFP® professionals providing financial planning services must also abide by a fiduciary standard– meaning that they must in utmost good faith act in the best interest of the client.
Many people don’t have a financial plan to help them reach their goals and believe that access to solid financial advice is prohibitively expensive or complicated. From budgeting issues, debt management, insurance, and investing we’re here to help with a wide variety of financial services and guidance available.

We utilize the latest in technology to deliver financial planning and investment management services efficiently and securely. Client meetings will primarily be held virtually at your convenience. If you’re in the Chicago area we're happy to meet in person.

Offering Strategic Financial Planning Solutions

Supported by a variety of esteemed alliances and affiliations.

Held to strict ethical standards and required to master a variety of financial planning topics, our founder is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™.

Charles Schwab offers a modern technology platform paired with dedicated support and service teams that allow us to deliver effective investment advice.

The leading organization of fee-only financial advisors, the XY Planning Network specializes in working with Generation X and Generation Y clients.

The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors is a reputable organization of fee-only advisors who are committed to clients’ best interests.

The Fee-Only Network supports and showcases registered Fee-Only financial advisors. In addition, they're dedicated to promoting awareness of the Fee-Only financial advisor model.


Find Out how we can help you get closer to your goals today!

Connect with us to find out all of the ways we could help you and your financial well-being be at it's fullest potential. It is never too late to start laying the foundation for tomorrow.

where are we?

Chicago, IL

Our Contact Information

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